Chronic wounds image database
As chronic wounds and their treatment is an ongoing issue, especially in the developed countries, we share a database of chronic wounds images to all reseraches and passionates of image processing. The database contains images from several modalities (color photography, thermovision, stereovision and depth perception) recorded along the same axis. The images are available in two datasets - unprocessed and processed. Processed images are registered (aligned) into a single coordiante system and fused together to obtain a multi-modality insight and presentation of the wound. Moreover, the wound regions are delineated by an experienced surgeon giving a ground truth for image segmentation algorithms. In total 188 cases of 79 patients are available in the database and new cases are still being included.
Download!We hope the WoundDB database will become helpful to all interested in the delvelopment and testing of new approaches to wound therapy monitoring with the use of image processing tools. If you have found the database helpful please cite the following paper: Chronic wounds multimodal image database